The McAfee Application Control Options Reputation-Based Execution settings, if enabled, must be configured to allow Most Likely Trusted or Known Trusted only.

From McAfee Application Control 7.x Security Technical Implementation Guide

Part of SRG-APP-000386

Associated with: CCI-001774

SV-88897r1_rule The McAfee Application Control Options Reputation-Based Execution settings, if enabled, must be configured to allow Most Likely Trusted or Known Trusted only.

Vulnerability discussion

When a file is executed on an endpoint, the Application Control performs multiple checks to determine whether to allow or ban the execution. Only files with a reputation of "Most Likely Trusted", "Known Trusted" or "Might be Trusted" are considered to be allowed. By configuring the setting to only "Most Likely Trusted" or "Known Trusted", the files with a reputation of "Might be Trusted" are blocked. While this may impact operationally in the beginning, after the inventories are vetted by the administrators, files with a "Might be Trusted" value may be recategorized in that organization.

Check content

If Reputation-Based Execution settings is not enabled, this check is Not Applicable. From the ePO server console System Tree, select the "Systems" tab. Select "This Group and All Subgroups". Select the asset to be validated. Select "Actions". Select "Agent". Select "Modify Policies on a Single System". From the product pull-down list, select Solidcore 7.x: Application Control. From the "Policy" column, select the policy associated with the Category "Application Control Options (Windows)" that is specific for the asset being reviewed. Select the "Reputation" tab. Verify the "Reputation-Based Execution Settings" is configured to allow binaries with "Most Likely Trusted" and above. If the allow binaries "Most Likely Trusted" and above is not selected for "Reputation-Based Execution Settings", this is a finding.

Fix text

If Reputation-Based Execution settings is not enabled, this check is Not Applicable. From the ePO server console System Tree, select the "Systems" tab. Select "This Group and All Subgroups". Select the asset. Select "Actions". Select "Agent". Select "Modify Policies on a Single System". From the product pull-down list, select Solidcore 7.x: Application Control. From the "Policy" column, select the policy associated with the Category "Application Control Options (Windows)" that is specific for the asset being reviewed. Select the "Reputation" tab. Place a check in the "Reputation-Based Execution Settings: Allow binaries with" check box and select "Most Likely Trusted" from the drop-down selection box. Click "Save".

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