The SMTP services SMTP greeting must not provide version information.

From SUSE Linux Enterprise Server v11 for System z

Part of GEN004560

Associated with: CCI-000366

SV-46278r1_rule The SMTP services SMTP greeting must not provide version information.

Vulnerability discussion

The version of the SMTP service can be used by attackers to plan an attack based on vulnerabilities present in the specific version.

Check content

To check for the version of either sendmail or Postfix being displayed in the greeting: # telnet localhost 25 If a version number is displayed, this is a finding.

Fix text

Ensure sendmail or Postfix has been configured to mask the version information. Procedure for sendmail: Edit the /etc/mail/ file to mask the veresion number by editing the line with "dnl" as follows: define(`confSMTP_LOGIN_MSG', ` Mail Server Ready ; $b')dnl rebuild the file. for Postfix: Examine the "smtpd_banner" line of /etc/postfix/main.conf and remove any "$mail_version" entry on it or comment the entire "smtpd_banner" line to use the default value which does not display the version information.

Pro Tips

Lavender hyperlinks in small type off to the right (of CSS class id, if you view the page source) point to globally unique URIs for each document and item. Copy the link location and paste anywhere you need to talk unambiguously about these things.

You can obtain data about documents and items in other formats. Simply provide an HTTP header Accept: text/turtle or Accept: application/rdf+xml.

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