Part of ACP00292
Associated with IA controls: DCCS-1, ECCD-2, DCCS-2, ECCD-1
MCS consoles can be used to issue operator commands. Failure to properly control access to MCS consoles could result in unauthorized personnel issuing sensitive operator commands. This exposure may threaten the integrity and availability of the operating system environment, and compromise the confidentiality of customer data.
Refer to the following report produced by the z/OS Data Collection: - EXAM.RPT(PARMLIB) Refer to the following reports produced by the TSS Data Collection and Data Set and Resource Data Collection: - TSSCMDS.RPT(@ACIDS) - SENSITVE.RPT(WHOHOPER) - TSSPRIV.RPT Verify that the MCS console ACIDs are properly restricted. If the following guidance is true, this is not a finding. ____ Each console defined in the currently active CONSOLxx parmlib member in EXAM.RPT(PARMLIB) is associated with a valid TSS ACID. ____ Each console ACID has no special privileges and/or attributes (e.g., BYPASSING, CONSOLE, etc.). ____ Each console ACID has no accesses to interactive on-line facilities (e.g., TSO, CICS, etc.). Each console can have the Facility of CONSOLE. ____ Each console ACID will be restricted from accessing all data sets and resources except MVS.MCSOPER.consolename in the OPERCMDS resource class and consolename in the CONSOLE resource class. NOTE: If LOGON(AUTO) is specified in the currently active CONSOLxx parmlib member, additional access may be required. Permissions for the console ACIDs and/or console profile may be given with access READ to MVS.CONTROL, MVS.DISPLAY, MVS.MONITOR, and MVS.STOPMN OPERCMDS resource.
The IAO will ensure that all consoles identified in the currently active CONSOLxx parmlib member in EXAM.RPT(PARMLIB) are defined to the ACP. Review the MCS console resources defined to z/OS and the ACP, and ensure they conform to those outlined below. Each console defined in the currently active CONSOLxx parmlib member in EXAM.RPT(PARMLIB) is associated with a valid TSS ACID. Each console ACID has no special privileges and/or attributes (e.g., BYPASSING, CONSOLE, etc.). Each console ACID has no accesses to interactive on-line facilities (e.g., TSO, CICS, etc.). Each console can have the Facility of CONSOLE. Each console ACID will be restricted from accessing all data sets and resources except MVS.MCSOPER.consolename in the OPERCMDS resource class and consolename in the CONSOLE resource class. NOTE: If LOGON(AUTO) is specified in the currently active CONSOLxx parmlib member, additional access may be required. Permissions for the console ACIDs and/or console profile may be given with access READ to MVS.CONTROL, MVS.DISPLAY, MVS.MONITOR, and MVS.STOPMN OPERCMDS resource. Example: (These are only examples, not requirements) TSS CREATE(consnoautolog) TYPE(PROFILE) NAME('MCS consoles with no autolog') DEPT('SYS1') TSS CREATE(consautolog) TYPE(PROFILE) - NAME('MCS consoles with autolog') - DEPT('SYS1') TSS CREATE(consname) NAME('MCS console name') - FACILITY(CONSOLE) PASSWORD(password,0) - PROFILE(consgroup) TSS PER(consautolog) OPERCMDS(MVS.CONTROL) ACCESS(READ) TSS PER(consautolog) OPERCMDS(MVS.DISPLAY) ACCESS(READ) TSS PER(consautolog) OPERCMDS(MVS.MONITOR) ACCESS(READ) TSS PER(consautolog) OPERCMDS(MVS.STOPMN) ACCESS(READ) TSS PER(consname) SYSCONS(consname) ACCESS(READ)
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