From Voice Video Endpoint Security Requirements Guide
Part of SRG-NET-000366-VVEP-00014
Associated with: CCI-000366 CCI-002409
Various communication services such as public VoIP and Instant Messaging services route traffic over their own networks and are stored on their own servers; therefore, that traffic can be accessed at any time by the provider and potentially intercepted.
If UC and VC clients cannot be independently configured by either end users or external service providers, this is Not Applicable. Verify the Voice Video Endpoint blocks both inbound and outbound communications traffic between UC and VC clients independently configured by end users and external service providers for voice and video. If the Voice Video Endpoint does not block both inbound and outbound communications traffic between UC and VC clients independently configured by end users and external service providers, this is a finding.
Configure the Voice Video Endpoint to block both inbound and outbound communications traffic between UC and VC clients independently configured by end users and external service providers.
Lavender hyperlinks in small type off to the right (of CSS
class id
, if you view the page source) point to
globally unique URIs for each document and item. Copy the
link location and paste anywhere you need to talk
unambiguously about these things.
You can obtain data about documents and items in other
formats. Simply provide an HTTP header Accept:
Accept: application/rdf+xml
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