From Apple OS X 10.11 Security Technical Implementation Guide
Part of SRG-OS-000057-GPOS-00027
Associated with: CCI-000162
The audit service must be configured to create log files with the correct group-ownership to prevent normal users from reading audit logs. Audit logs contain sensitive data about the system and about users. If log files are set to only be readable and writable by root or administrative users with sudo, the risk is mitigated.
To check the group-ownership of the audit log files, run the following command: /usr/bin/sudo ls -le $(/usr/bin/sudo /usr/bin/grep '^dir' /etc/security/audit_control | awk -F: '{print $2}') | /usr/bin/grep -v current The results should show the group owner (fourth column) to be "wheel". If not, this is a finding.
For any log file that returns an incorrect group-owner, run the following command: /usr/bin/sudo chgrp wheel [audit log file] [audit log file] is the full path to the log file in question.
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