The Apache web server software must be a vendor-supported version.

From Apache Server 2.4 Windows Server Security Technical Implementation Guide

Part of SRG-APP-000516-WSR-000174

Associated with: CCI-000366

AS24-W1-000960_rule The Apache web server software must be a vendor-supported version.

Vulnerability discussion

Many vulnerabilities are associated with older versions of web server software. As hot fixes and patches are issued, these solutions are included in the next version of the server software. Maintaining the web server at a current version makes the efforts of a malicious user to exploit the web service more difficult.

Check content

Determine the version of the Apache software that is running on the system. In a command line, navigate to "<'INSTALLED PATH'>\bin". Run "httpd -v" to view the Apache version. If the version of Apache is not at the following version or higher, this is a finding: Apache 2.4 (February 2012)

Fix text

Install the current version of the web server software and maintain appropriate service packs and patches.

Pro Tips

Lavender hyperlinks in small type off to the right (of CSS class id, if you view the page source) point to globally unique URIs for each document and item. Copy the link location and paste anywhere you need to talk unambiguously about these things.

You can obtain data about documents and items in other formats. Simply provide an HTTP header Accept: text/turtle or Accept: application/rdf+xml.

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