From MongoDB Enterprise Advanced 3.x Security Technical Implementation Guide
Part of SRG-APP-000447-DB-000393
Associated with: CCI-002754
A common vulnerability is unplanned behavior when invalid inputs are received. This requirement guards against adverse or unintended system behavior caused by invalid inputs, where information system responses to the invalid input may be disruptive or cause the system to fail into an unsafe state.
As a user with the "dbAdminAnyDatabase" role, execute the following on the database of interest: use myDB db.getCollectionInfos() Where "myDB" is the name of the database on which validator rules are to be inspected. This returns an array of documents containing all collections information within myDB. For each collection's information received. If the "options" sub-document within each does not contain a "validator" sub-document, this is a finding.
Document validation can be added at the time of creation of a collection. Existing collections can also be modified with document validation rules. Use the "validator" option to create or update a collection with the desired validation rules.
Lavender hyperlinks in small type off to the right (of CSS
class id
, if you view the page source) point to
globally unique URIs for each document and item. Copy the
link location and paste anywhere you need to talk
unambiguously about these things.
You can obtain data about documents and items in other
formats. Simply provide an HTTP header Accept:
Accept: application/rdf+xml
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