From MS SQL Server 2016 Instance Security Technical Implementation Guide
Part of SRG-APP-000121-DB-000202
Associated with: CCI-001493
Protecting audit data also includes identifying and protecting the tools used to view and manipulate log data.
Check the server documentation for a list of approved users with access to SQL Server Audits. To create, alter, or drop a server audit, principals require the ALTER ANY SERVER AUDIT or the CONTROL SERVER permission. To view an Audit log requires the CONTROL SERVER permission. To use Profiler, ALTER TRACE is required. Review the SQL Server permissions granted to principals. Look for permissions ALTER ANY SERVER AUDIT, ALTER ANY DATABASE AUDIT, CONTROL SERVER, ALTER TRACE: SELECT, perm.permission_name, perm.state_desc FROM sys.server_permissions perm JOIN sys.server_principals login ON perm.grantee_principal_id = login.principal_id WHERE permission_name in ('CONTROL SERVER', 'ALTER ANY DATABASE AUDIT', 'ALTER ANY SERVER AUDIT','ALTER TRACE') and not like '##MS_%'; If unauthorized accounts have these privileges, this is a not like '##MS_%'; If unauthorized accounts have these privileges, this is a finding.
Remove audit-related permissions from individuals and roles not authorized to have them. USE master; DENY [ALTER ANY SERVER AUDIT] TO [User]; GO
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