From ArcGIS for Server 10.3 Security Technical Implementation Guide
Part of SRG-APP-000427
Associated with: CCI-002470
Untrusted Certificate Authorities (CA) can issue certificates, but they may be issued by organizations or individuals that seek to compromise DoD systems or by organizations with insufficient security controls. If the CA used for verifying the certificate is not a DoD-approved CA, trust of this CA has not been established.
Review the ArcGIS Server configuration to ensure the application only allows the use of DoD PKI established certificate authorities for verification of the establishment of protected sessions. Substitute the target environment’s values for [bracketed] variables. 1. Use a Java-compatible tool to access the java keystore at [C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\framework\runtime\jre\lib\security\cacerts]. The password for the keystore is "changeit". Verify that the Java Keystore [C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\framework\runtime\jre\lib\security\cacerts] does not contain any non-DoD-approved certificates. If any non-DoD-approved certificate authorities are listed as trusted, this is a finding. 2. Log on to the machine hosting ArcGIS Server. Open Certificate Manager. (You can do this by clicking the "Start" button, typing "certmgr.msc" into the "Search" box, and pressing the "ENTER" key.) In the "Certificate Manager" window, click "Trusted Root Certificate Authorities", then click" Certificates". Verify that the Windows Keystore does not contain any non-DoD-approved certificates. If any non-DoD-approved certificate authorities are listed as trusted, this is a finding. 3. Use a Java-compatible tool to access the Java Keystore at [C:\arcgisserver\config-store\machines\machine_name\arcgis.keystore]. The password is the value of the "password" field within the [C:\arcgisserver\config-store\security\super\super.json] file. Verify that the Java Keystore [C:\arcgisserver\config-store\machines\machine_name\arcgis.keystore] does not contain any non-DoD-approved certificates. If any non-DoD-approved certificate authorities are listed as trusted, this is a finding.
Configure the ArcGIS Server to only allow the use of DoD PKI established certificate authorities for verification of the establishment of protected sessions. Substitute the target environment’s values for [bracketed] variables. Use a Java-compatible tool to access the Java keystore at [C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\framework\runtime\jre\lib\security\cacerts]. The password for the keystore is "changeit". Remove any non-DoD-approved certificates. Log on to the machine hosting ArcGIS Server. Open Certificate Manager. (You can do this by clicking the "Start" button, then typing "certmgr.msc" into the "Search" box, and pressing the "ENTER" key.) In the "Certificate Manager" window, click "Trusted Root Certificate Authorities", then click "Certificates". Remove any non-DoD-approved certificates. Use a Java-compatible tool to access the Java Keystore at [C:\arcgisserver\config-store\machines\machine_name\arcgis.keystore]. The password is the value of the "password" field within the [C:\arcgisserver\config-store\security\super\super.json] file. Remove any non-DoD-approved certificates.
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