From Juniper SRX SG ALG Security Technical Implementation Guide
Part of SRG-NET-000273-ALG-000129
Associated with: CCI-001312
Providing too much information in error messages risks compromising the data and security of the application and system.
Verify ICMP messages are configured to meet DoD requirements. [edit] show firewall family inet If ICMP messages are not configured in compliance with DoD requirements, this is a finding.
Configure ICMP to meet DoD requirements. The following is an example which uses the filter name "protect_re" as the filter name with pre-configured address books (source-prefix-lists). [edit] set firewall family inet filter protect_re term permit-icmp from source-prefix-list ssh-addresses set firewall family inet filter protect_re term permit-icmp from source-prefix-list bgp-addresses set firewall family inet filter protect_re term permit-icmp from source-prefix-list loopback-addresses set firewall family inet filter protect_re term permit-icmp from source-prefix-list local-addresses set firewall family inet filter protect_re term permit-icmp from source-prefix-list ixiav4 set firewall family inet filter protect_re term permit-icmp from icmp-type echo-request set firewall family inet filter protect_re term permit-icmp from icmp-type echo-reply set firewall family inet filter protect_re term permit-icmp then log set firewall family inet filter protect_re term permit-icmp then syslog set firewall family inet filter protect_re term permit-icmp then accept set firewall family inet6 filter protect_re-v6 term permit-ar from icmp-type neighboradvertisement set firewall family inet6 filter protect_re-v6 term permit-ar from icmp-type neighborsolicit set firewall family inet6 filter ingress-v6 term permit-ar from icmp-type neighboradvertisement set firewall family inet6 filter ingress-v6 term permit-ar from icmp-type neighborsolicit set firewall family inet6 filter ingress-v6 term permit-ar from icmp-type 134 set firewall family inet6 filter ingress-v6 term permit-ar then accept set firewall family inet6 filter egress-v6 term permit-lr from icmp-type neighboradvertisement set firewall family inet6 filter egress-v6 term permit-lr from icmp-type neighbor-solicit set firewall family inet6 filter egress-v6 term permit-lr from icmp-type 134 set firewall family inet6 filter egress-v6 term permit-lr then accept
Lavender hyperlinks in small type off to the right (of CSS
class id
, if you view the page source) point to
globally unique URIs for each document and item. Copy the
link location and paste anywhere you need to talk
unambiguously about these things.
You can obtain data about documents and items in other
formats. Simply provide an HTTP header Accept:
Accept: application/rdf+xml
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