From Traditional Security
Part of Foreign National (FN) Systems Access - DDL
Associated with IA controls: ECAN-1, IAAC-1
Unauthorized access by foreign nationals to Information Systems can result in, among other things, security incidents, compromise of the system, or the introduction of a virus.
1. Check that a Delegation of Disclosure Authority Letter (DDL) is on hand for each assigned REL partner or other FN partner granted Limited Access to US Classified. NOTE: All disclosures and denials of classified military information are reported in the Foreign Disclosure and Technical Information System (FORDTIS) and it might also be possible for reviewers to request visual access to validate foreign clearance approvals at sites. However, a DDL is required for access to any US Classified information. 2. The organization's supporting Foreign Disclosure/Contact Officer (FDO) will be the ultimate POC for this. TACTICAL ENVIRONMENT: This check is applicable where REL Partners or other FN allies are employed in a tactical environment with access to US Classified or Sensitive Systems.
A Delegation of Disclosure Authority Letter (DDL) must be on hand for each assigned REL partner or other FN partner granted Limited Access to US Classified systems or information. NOTE 1: All disclosures and denials of classified military information are reported in the Foreign Disclosure and Technical Information System (FORDTIS). A DDL is required to validate and set parameters for FN access to any US Classified information. NOTE 2: The organization's supporting Foreign Disclosure/Contact Officer (FDO) will be the POC for this.
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