External RACF Classes are not active for CICS transaction checking.


Part of ZCICR021

Associated with IA controls: DCCS-1, ECCD-2, DCCS-2, ECCD-1

Associated with: CCI-000213

SV-301r2_rule External RACF Classes are not active for CICS transaction checking.

Vulnerability discussion

Implement CICS transaction security by utilizing two distinct and unique RACF resourceclasses (i.e., member and grouping) within each CICS region. If several CICS regions aregrouped in an MRO environment, it is permissible for those grouped regions to share acommon pair of resource classes. Member classes contain a RACF discrete profile foreach transaction. Grouping classes contain groups of transactions requiring equalprotection under RACF. Ideally, member classes contain no profiles, and all transactionsare defined by groups in a grouping class.If CICS Classes are not active, this could result in the compromise of the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the CICS region, applications, and customer data.

Check content

a) Refer to the following report produced by the RACF Data Collection: - RACFCMDS.RPT(SETROPTS) Refer to the CICS Systems Programmer Worksheets filled out from previous vulnerability ZCIC0010. b) Ensure each CICS transaction resource class pair are active. c) If (b) is true, there is NO FINDING. d) If (b) is untrue, this is a FINDING.

Fix text

Review each CICS SIT to ensure each region has a unique resource class or resource prefix specified. 1. The resources classes are activated in RACF using the following command: SETR CLASSACT()

Pro Tips

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